Thankfully product returns are extremely rare, If there is a problem please contact us ASAP so we can resolve the issue.


Get Garlic Return policy:

Garlic Seed is Guaranteed to Germinate

GetGarlic seeds from are guaranteed to germinate if properly planted. Once the seeds have sprouted, please understand that we cannot be held responsible for the size or quality of your crop.  There are many factors to growing good vegetables, and our quality seed garlic is only one.  We are happy to help with any questions you might have, check out our page on “How to grow garlic”.

Food Processing Items – Three Day Return Policy for Perishable Merchandise

We guarantee the perishable garlic to be in good, viable condition when we sell them.  We expect you to inspect them carefully upon receipt should there be any quality problem, you must notify us within 3 (three) days of the  delivery to request an exchange or a refund.  Even if an item has not been used, if the box has been opened, we will assess a 15% restocking fee as we must re-sell the item as an “open box” at a discount.

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